Dermaplane Deep Cleanse Facial

Skin care therapist applying pressure to woman's face during massage after treatment

Deep cleanse facial


Dull/ congested skin? This deeply nourishing facial replenishes the skins lacking natural moisturising factors leaving you hydrated.

Treatment includes exfoliating enzyme peel, a targeted face mask and a relaxing face, neck & shoulder massage to work away tension and stress.


Dermalux LED Light Therapy Treatment

50 min

Customer recieving Dermalux treatment using a Flex machine

Blue light therapy supports reduction of oil production, a fantastic add on treatment for this therapy. It also kills acne causing bacteria, calms redness and inflammation.

Red light therapy can be used in conjunction with high frequency if you are looking to further boost anti-ageing effects. Red light therapy is beneficial for increasing cellular turnover and skin rejuvenation. It helps to increase cells update on nutrient absorption, improving skin health.

Green light therapy targets and calms over stimulated skin. It reduces pigmentation and sun damage, heals broken capillaries and rosacea.